Tuesday, 6 September 2011

My resume into a pretty compelling infographic

Ok, I get it, a little self-promotion here but why did I use an infographic to present the information within my resume? Infographics provide a more appealing and compelling way of presenting the data within a standardized format: the resume. 
Both the resume and the infographic give you the same information. However, the infographic displays that information visually and makes it easier to consume and ultimately to understand.
A very basic definition of infographic is just twi words: visual communication. If most of the resumes contains dates, numbers, skills, locations, it probably could be taken out of the written word and reformatted into an infographic.
The old saying is there for a reason: a picture is really worth a thousand words. Humans a capable of understanding more information when presented in a graphical manner.
You can use vizualize.me in beta version to generate the same infographic that takes the data from from your LinkedIn account and compile instantly an info vizualisation of the content of your profile.
Sometimes when I receive a resume, I struggle to grasp the meaning of all this data and make the effort to go through the hummm... Goal? Start? and when it laborious to read and comprehend (boring and dizzying) often times I just give up. But this new way of presenting the data allows a new consumption of this same stream of data and could lead to less effort to comprehend the content: a-ha! exactly! I get it!.

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